The Hon. Lyda Krewson, Mayor, City of Saint Louis; and
The Hon. Jimmie Edwards, Director, Public Safety, Served as Keynote Speakers

June 18, 2019 (St. Louis) – The Association of Corporate Counsel Chapter of St. Louis (ACC STL), the pre-eminent professional development organization serving in-house counsel, held its annual Corporate Counsel Institute (CCI) May 15 at the Ritz Carlton in Clayton, MO.
More than 300 in-house counsel attorneys, lawyers and legal professionals attended the all-day event where lawyers and in-house counsel attorneys presented on a variety of topics including block-chain and cryptocurrency, labor and employment issues, alternative billing, and third-party litigation financing. The sessions concluded with a lively panel discussion from four in-house counsel about “What keeps them up at night?”
The Honorable Lyda Krewson, Mayor, City of Saint Louis, and The Honorable Jimmie Edwards, Director, Public Safety, City of Saint Louis, served as the keynote speakers during the luncheon.
Partnering with the ACC STL to host the CCI was The Bar Association of Metropolitan St. Louis (BAMSL), which has more than 6,800 members in the St. Louis region, including attorneys, judges, paralegals and law firm administrators, and is the oldest and most respected voluntary bar association in the area.
Zoe Linza, BAMSL executive director, said, “I think the partnership between BAMSL and the ACC STL is unique and successful. Our organizations have worked together for more than 30 years on a variety of events to offer comprehensive, timely and strong Continuing Legal Education to members of the St. Louis legal community, and each time we work together it is a win-win!”
“The CCI continues to be one of the largest CLE events in the Saint Louis region bringing together both in-house and private practice counsel from across the legal services industry,” said Chrissy Teske, ACC STL 2019 president and a senior attorney with Commerce Bancshares, Inc.
“We want to thank our 2019 CCI sponsors for their support. We couldn’t have such a strong and memorable program without their support,” added Teske.
Sponsors of the 2019 CCI included:
- Event Sponsors: Bloomberg Law; Dowd Bennett LLP; Lathrop Gage
- Breakfast: Stinson Leonard Street
- Lunch and Cocktail Reception: Thompson Coburn LLP
- Breaks: Polsinelli
- Materials: Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner
Attendees who qualified for Continuing Legal Education (CLE) credit received 8.8 hours.
The 2020 CCI is scheduled for May 14, 2020.
Ann Marie Mayuga, AMM Communications
About the ACC STL:
The Association for Corporate Counsel of St. Louis (ACC STL), the pre-eminent professional development organization serving in-house counsel, was founded in 1987. The St. Louis chapter has more than 550 members who represent more than 100 organizations. During its 30-year-history, the ACC STL has grown to become one of the leading chapters in the country having been selected as a 2017 Gold Level Award recipient and winning the 2018 Best Membership / Recruitment Award. To learn more, please visit,